The Obama Deception

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The Obama Deception

Post by crzyone » ... 1843120756

Not just Obama but all world leaders. The next couple of years could be scary.

How many people have a blind faith in their government?

Great video, a bit long but I think all people should see it. Even if all of it's facts are not 100%, it should still open your eyes to the government and how they go back on their promises just to get elected. The Government doesn't work for the people anymore...
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Re: The Obama Deception

Post by Unsafe At Any Speed »

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Re: The Obama Deception

Post by Fastback86 »

If someone as right-wing as Toddster thinks it's a load, I'm not going to put a lot of faith in it.
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Re: The Obama Deception

Post by whipped »

The first half is good... the second half is bad.

If you ignore the obama bashing and put in a generic president face, it makes a lot of interesting points.
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Re: The Obama Deception

Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Just post more conspiracy theory info: ... ass-media/
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Re: The Obama Deception

Post by crzyone »

Historical fact is not conspiracy theory. It's well known the Nazi's controlled the media. It's also known that American mass media is also being controlled, how directly and how much is the only part that is debatable.

Just look at how the media covered Ron Paul during the last election. If the media was unbiased and was reporting for the people they would have given him a lot better coverage. As far as I can see he is the only candidate that would not have been a puppet president.
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Re: The Obama Deception

Post by Fastback86 »

The media is controlled by money. We have to pay the bills and make the shareholders happy like any other business. It shouldn't be that way, but it is. I don't think the media is directly controlled by the government, but the political interests of the owners of media empires likely have an effect on coverage.
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Re: The Obama Deception

Post by p8ntman442 »

[quote="crzyone] It's well known the Nazi's controlled the media. It's also known that American mass media is also being controlled, how directly and how much is the only part that is debatable.


This paper really loses a lot without the photos to show the type of media coverage from WW2. Americans DID NOT KNOW about the holocaust until the later half of the war.

“The press may not determine what the public thinks, but it does influence what it thinks about.” This statement is the basis for this essay. It is a direct quote from the book Beyond Belief by Deborah E. Lipstadt. This paper will focus on how much information was provided to the American people regarding the Holocaust, both before the United States entered the war and after.
Hitler made his intentions for Germany clear in his book Mein Kampf. Never were his actions a surprise to anyone who had read his book. With this in mind, how is it that the atrocities befallen the Jews of Europe went unanswered by the world for so long. This essay will look at how and why the plight of 6 million human beings was ignored by a world as developed as ours.
Previous to the United States involvement in World War 2, Hitler had been rounding up and exterminating Jews in large numbers in Germany. American news papers seemed to not care nor even mention the horrible acts that were taking place in Germany. Why was this?
The first thing one must look at is the availability of information. Hitler did not simply hide the transportation and murder of thousands of people. He did however prevent the foreign press from releasing this information. Control of what was published was Hitler’s main way of preventing foreign interaction in his quest to purify a nation. Reporters from the American press whom may have witnessed Jews being beaten in the streets were proclaimed liars by Germany. Exaggeration and false information claims were brought against their reports and often this resulted in the expulsion of any reporter that made shed a bad light on Germany.
Trickery was often used to keep reporters out of Germany. Obscure laws sometimes allowed Germany to expel reporters from the country on ridiculous charges. Sometimes reporters who had written about Germany tried returning to the country after vacation or a story that took them out of the country, they were banned and turned away on flimsy charges of “insulting Germany”.
The American reporters walked the fine line that Hitler lay down because they were fearful of expulsion from Germany. This is because they feared the reactions of their employers, and the repercussions that it might have on their career. Because of this, the true facts of what was happening in pre-war Germany were not reported to the American papers, and much of what was, was cut from the reports before being published.
Some reports were made to the public however. When information of the crimes committed by Hitler was leaked to the public, many American citizens did not believe it. After they had been so mislead in the propaganda from the First World War, many Americans were skeptical of papers reporting atrocities to Jews in Europe. Many considered the articles Jewish propaganda and shrugged it off.
Once the war rolled around, the facts of the Nazi crimes were well documented. Still public acceptance and recognition was minimal. This is partly due to the nature of the crimes. It is extremely hard for anyone to believe that women, children and babies were being shipped in rail cars to be gassed and burned. The Public had no way of emotionally coping with this and accepting the fact that it was true. The Truth was simply too gruesome.
Public opinion of Germany before the involvement of the United States in World War 2 was very good. Hitler was seen as an anti communist and anti fascist, which is therefore a friend of the American way of life. Americans visiting Germany were treated well, they saw prosperity and a happy country, they were not shown the Ghettos and the crimes committed against Jews. One of Hitler’s biggest successes was the Olympics in Berlin. The triumph was not on the fields of play with his Aryan nation. Instead it was in his public propaganda. Hitler won over the acceptance of the American people with the condition of Germany and Germans in General. The whole of the Olympic Games was a farce, as Hitler did not allow Jews to compete for Germany; the world saw a beautiful country in a good state of economy. The justification for the lack of Jewish athletes was that they simply were not good enough, when the truth was that Hitler handicapped them to prevent their competition.
What was reported in the American press once the war was on was more pro American and anti German propaganda. This was used to incite reactions from the people in a tremendous effort to sustain the war in Europe.

This picture was taken from a Newspaper from during the war shows Americans Jumping into Germany to fight for Democracy. Most of the American press focused on local heroes that were captured or escaped from capture rather than the European Jewish population’s plight.

Only near the end of the war when the death camps were being liberated were any pictures of the atrocities reported or pictures printed. This is disturbing because had any action been taken besides rescue through victory, many thousands of lies would have been saved. Pictures like the following would have aroused such anger in Americans if the government had released the truth.

The above picture was accompanied by the headline: From Victims, Pitiful reminders of Nazi horror, thousands upon thousands of pairs of shoes taken from feet of women and children victims piled up at Nazi camp of annihilation at suburban Maidaneck outside Lublin Poland.

French paper proclaiming 5 million Jews murdered at Auschwitz.

From pictures like these, we must all learn that if a world turns its back, this can happen again. With the technology we have today one can only hope that the information of these types of crimes would not go unnoticed. Unfortunately with the Rwandan Genocide we see that technology is not present everywhere and these types of crimes may still happen if we are not always looking and aware of the world.
"I wanna make a porno starring us. Well, not just us, also these two foreign bitches."
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