Sign this petition

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Re: Sign this petition

Post by EBSB52 »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:Albert Einstein: "He who understands interest earns it. He who does not, pays it."

You cannot even quote someone and be honest, can you? Your very site states a post written by him: "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it."
— Albert Einstein

Your revisionism of the dictionary and now revisionism of a quote by Einstein.... you just cannot be honest, can you? A true attribute of a neo-con.

Also, what does this have to do with the stimulus bill? Actually, low interest rates got us here, so I guess it does have a place in that context. So I guess the folks who elected Bush don't understand politics in a vicarious fashion, due to Bush's lack of understanding of interest / finances. Any president worth a shit would have not allowed Greenspan to lower rates like that, esp for so long. Nice job, Will. Do neo-cons ever admit to a bad choice by electing Bush twice?
The Dark Side of Will
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Re: Sign this petition

Post by The Dark Side of Will »

Do your own research before you bash mine.

Did you know that "gullible" isn't in the dictionary?

And that everything you read on the internet is true?

OBTW, how about citations other than wikipedia for all those figures you quoted?
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Re: Sign this petition

Post by EBSB52 »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:

Do your own research before you bash mine.

Did you know that "gullible" isn't in the dictionary?

And that everything you read on the internet is true?

OBTW, how about citations other than wikipedia for all those figures you quoted?

Clown, you wrote as a citation of Einstein: "He who understands interest earns it. He who does not, pays it."

Then you posted a site that cites him as saying: "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it."

It really is semantic to the greater issue, but IT WAS YOUR CITATION THAT YOU POSTED AND CITED DIFFERENTLY. It hardly works that you tell me to do research, I’m just using your citation and your rendition, not any of my own. It would be different if you just cited it without the website and I countered it, but I had never heard or read that before until you posted it along with the site.

As I wrote it’s semantic and not really pertinent to the major issue anyway, remember what that was? I wrote: “Also, what does this have to do with the stimulus bill?” I understand, you are a neo-con, you operate from jargon, cliché and rhetoric, but this is not substantive or evidence anything to the issue, so go and address ALL of the many points I made in accord with that, or ignore it and go back to your corporate welfare job.
Sinister Fiero
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so much for transparency...

Post by Sinister Fiero »

At around 11pm last night (Thursday Feb. 12th), the final version of the SPENDulus bill was presented for final review of the congress to come up for a final vote on Friday. It was more than 1000 pages long.

Moments ago the House passed this bill (without a single Republican vote) and now it goes to the Senate for a final vote. How come I find it hard to believe nobody has had the chance to read the entire 1000+ pages in this bill in this short of a time to find out everything that was in it?

B.O. said during his campaign that he was going to make sure every spending bill would be posted for at least 5 days on the internet before it comes up for a vote so the American people have a chance to find out what's in it. Why has this not happened with this bill? Why is this being rammed thru congress without time being allowed for us or even members of Congress to review what we are being sold here??? Where's the transparency we were promised? I bet not one member of congress NOR the president himself knows what all is in this bill.

This is change we can believe in???
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Re: Sign this petition

Post by EBSB52 »

Oh, you think the bill is not transparent? Here it is, this may bethe originl or the latest, but it is transparent. It may not be timely, but even if you dislike it, having 5 days to whine wouldn't change it. So there is no real issue that the supposed 5-day rule wasn't followed. I think getting it working is more important than giving people 5 days to whine about it when it would enact no change. ... ndment.pdf
Moments ago the House passed this bill (without a single Republican vote) and now it goes to the Senate for a final vote.
Amazing, and the same Repubs had no problem throwing the country 5 trillion dollars in the hole at the request of Bush. Of course Bush answered by not cating 1 veto for the first 5 1/2 years of his terms. So you see, your beloved Repugs don't have an issue spending, they do have an issue spending on other than the for the rich. Repugs are a bit sociopathic in that they can watch a poor person die, but to watch a rich person become a little less rich hits their soft-spot.

I do agree that most congressmen and women probably don't know what all is in this bill. I think that's the rule for many bills thru congress. The Repugs got us into this mess, the Dems, once again, will fix things.

You want change? How about Bush giving money out during his part of the bank giveaway w/o making execs forfeit anything, whereas under OB they have to limit salaries, bonuses, etc. That is change, don;t care if you want to ignore it.
Atilla the Fun
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Re: Sign this petition

Post by Atilla the Fun »

you know, the first time around, they created labor jobs, building amphitheatres of stone along the blue ridge parkway, and other such. Did we need them? no. It was make-work, but it was work I coulda done. Most of these jobs being created by the stimulus plan are either (1) putting dot people back on their jobs, or (2) only helpful to those who went to college.
Historically, the wider the gap between the haves and the have-nots, the quicker the culture divides. Why should the many millions of have nots labor and/or fight and die for a few thousand haves to continue oppressing them?
On another note, the haves say that even if their wealth was equally divided among all people, within 10 years the ones who were wealthy before would be wealthy again. They point to Donald Trump as evidence. Okay, if that's so, then why have dubya benefit them, when there is no trickle-down. It trickles up. Since it does, let's revoke the visas of the wealthy, then take everything in excess of $50,000 gross annual income, including seizing all their current houses, cars, etc. ? ?? .
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Re: Sign this petition

Post by p8ntman442 »

Atilla the Fun wrote: If you're not stressed out or sweating, it can't be called "earning".
This farm boy turned engineer disagrees whole heartedly.
"I wanna make a porno starring us. Well, not just us, also these two foreign bitches."
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