Obama Speech

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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:
EBSB52 wrote:A guy buying a house at teh peak for 300k, then it drops to 175,?
I know people in exactly that situation. They're still making their payments, because they took a loan they could afford in the first place.

I'm much more curious about why you keep blaming the president for congressional spending.

Well, to bust this last POS, your boy, they are basically the same since R's held congress for the first 6 years absent Jeffords' defection. But here is whee the president plays at least as big a role in spending as congress:

- Pres submits an annual proposal to congress

- Congress tweaks it or not, then passes it thru both houses and provides it to teh pres for signing

- Pres signs or vetoes

- If a veto, congress rewrites it to conform more to the pres then sumbits or they can just vote to override, which is rare other than your favorite pres.

For individual appropriations, the pres tells congress what he wants and can still veto. There have only been 110 presidential vetoes overridden in US history. Many are grouped under a few presidents:
- Andrew Johnson - 15
- Truman - 12
- Ford - 12
- Reagan - 9

To think a president has little to nothign to do with budgeting and finance of a country is pathetic. They must sign taxation and spending bills, let's be real.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

I just read more of that last link I posted. I knew of this phenomenon long ago, buit they just stated it as well.

Occasionally, a President will either publicly or privately threaten Congress with a veto in order to influence the content or passage of legislation. There is no record of what officially constitutes a "veto threat" or how many have been made over the years, but it has become a staple of Presidential politics and a sometimes effective way of shaping policy.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Un ... ial_vetoes

This is not sleazy, it's a way of saving time and they all have done it, generally several times. I believe this is why the president sends congress an annual budget proposal, so they can get in teh same zip code on what he will go for. A president will tell congress what he will sign and what he will not, so they don't bother sending him a bill guaranteed to be vetoed; it's just legislative expediency by the chief legislator, the president.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by Shaun41178(2) »

So what percentage is the stock market down since obama took office? Why hasn't he fixed this shit yet?
FieroPhrek working on that ls4 swap for 18 years and counting now. 18 years!!!!! LOL

530 whp is greater than 312
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

Shaun41178(2) wrote:So what percentage is the stock market down since obama took office? Why hasn't he fixed this shit yet?

That's the other thread where you're illiterate dumb ass left the other 1-liner, not to be confused with this 1-liner. 1 month isn't time to:

A) Get anything fully done

B) Undo what your 5th worst president of all time has fucked up. Yes, that includes this market drop. I guess you have teh right to be pathetic and blame Obama for the drop that has been going on for over a year now, but objectively it's 'tarded.

Obama has done plenty, push thru the stimulus, set up uni-care, set up the mortage unfucking, etc.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by slowpoke »

I didn't say dems were in control for the last 40 years, just 40 years ending in the 90's, my mistake, if you really think I'm gonna look all this shit up your nuts, what I meant about the contract labor is that you pay your own taxes, you act like the employer should pay all the taxes at that higher rate you were bitching about and match your social security plus pay for insurance, unemployment ins, workmans comp, and you should be able to walk away with a paycheck and a smile. Then you turn around and scream he is shitting on the little guy when by definition you are contract labor. So how is he making you pay his taxes? If he charges 50000 grand to rebuild a plane, pays you 20000 and pays for 10000 in materials, you act like he should pay taxes on 40000, why, how is that fair. You sound like a smart guy and are probably very good at what you do, you want to fight for the little guy but your not the fucking little guy. I said I'm not a republican because I disagree with some of what they do and stand for, I disagree with democrats a hell of a lot more. Personally I feel like bush should have been 100 percent for stem cell research. I think it might have helped him a lot. Some times I think he only has two brain cells left and they are fucking fighting "they want us to control social security like its a government program or somethin". Give me a fuckin break. And don't start thinking I'm on your side because I'm not, democrats piss and moan about all the soldiers that die in war. I bet that not a single person currently in the US milt was drafted, meaning they volunteered.(And if your wondering, yes I was in the marines) but the same party fights for the right to kill thousands of babys through abortion, and I do feel like some abortions are justified such as rape cases. You can call me kid all you like, but I've been standing on my own two feet since I was 16 and that was 14 years ago, I work my ass off to support my wife and our three children, they all have the best health ins that blue cross offers and I can't afford any for myself, so I hope obama does fix the shit, but I won't be holding my breath, and I'm sure as hell not going to be bragging about what he's gonna do. Is obama gonna take my guns?
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by slowpoke »

hey eb. Don't sweat it man it really doesn't matter to me what you do, but if congress was obviously willing to override bush why didn't they do so to fix the shit that he was doing.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

slowpoke wrote:hey eb. Don't sweat it man it really doesn't matter to me what you do, but if congress was obviously willing to override bush why didn't they do so to fix the shit that he was doing.

It takes 2/3 to override, that amounts to 290 in the House and 67 in the senate, that is if all members vote on a given issue. So some Repubs have to cross-over, the ones that want to be reelected next term will tend to do this, as being a Repug in congress is a large apology act right now. The Desm can't override w/o help, they have done wonders with what they had. BTW, they had a tie in the Senate; 49/49/2. One of the indeps was a real Dem, the other, Lieberman trash pig was a sellout and the Dems almost refused to let him caucus with them; he's basically on probation now. He strongly endorsed McCain and has voted pro-war since the start and still, I guess he wants to pretend he's a real jew by sending our guys over there to die for his pseduo-ancestors. Point is, at best the senate was a tie, VP breaks many ties.

So there's your answer, they did what they could and that was quite a bit. Props to the Repubs like Hagel and others who have shown moderate natures. 3 Repubs crossed over with teh recent stimulus bill too, when this shit works out to some degree, at least keeps people out of the streets, you'll see more Repubs following or going the way of so many other obstinant R's. Many Repub electorate will benefit from these measures and they may talk the redneck rhetoric, but they will really appreciate a humane nation rather than the Nazi concentartion camp the R's have given us. Look at the last election, think there weren't a few closet Obamians?
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

This post is scattered and convoluted, but I want to answer it anyway. I think I had you pegged wrongly, hell, you’re one of the few that can actually call themselves an American, most here are the military-dodging type from what I’ve seen. Most are so afraid of having to leave the bong home that they would never consider joining. But I think you’re a hard-working guy, not real informed, a Republican that is such because his parents were and any Marine knows Dems are a bunch of pussies; right? Of course they got us thru all the wars of the 20th century other than the Gulf War, so that’s rhetoric.
I didn't say dems were in control for the last 40 years, just 40 years ending in the 90's, my mistake, …

No problem, I don’t want to base an answer on a misunderstanding or a typo, I want to address substance. OK, let’s take 40 years from the 94 takeover of congress by the R’s, that’s what I believe you were referring to. So 1954 to 1994, in reality 1955 to 1995, as the R’s took office in Jan 1995. So let’s look at that, you say the D’s had full control of congress from 55 to 95. Not exactly true, during the first 6 Reagan years, the worst run-up of that decade and unprecedented at that time, the Republicans controlled the Senate. So even with your misunderstanding clarified, you’re wrong.

http://uspolitics.about.com/od/usgovern ... sion_2.htm

Hit on that, there is no searching, just hit the prompt and you’ll see Republicans owned the Senate for 6 years during Reagan.

Also, the debt fell twice in that period, 1955 to 1995 and the debt had only fallen 4 or 5 times in history, twice in that deadly period, according to you. Please explain how these Dem controlled congressional years were supposedly so bad, the ones from 1955 to 1980 where the debt fell twice amid 2 wars, Korea and VN. I agree the shit got bad during the Reagan years, but that was under Republican Senatorial rule. Of course Dems took control of congress after that during GHWB’s term and things got better as far as the debt, after GHWB passed thru congress and signed the 1990 debt act and the debt increase started to taper off, something Reagan and the Repubs in the Senate weren’t worried about.

...if you really think I'm gonna look all this shit up your nuts, …

In intellectual circles they call that a concession. I posted easily prompted data, no searching for it in some massive website, just click and see. You want to claim lack of time, etc, you acquiesce.

...what I meant about the contract labor is that you pay your own taxes, you act like the employer should pay all the taxes at that higher rate you were bitching about and match your social security plus pay for insurance, unemployment ins, workmans comp, and you should be able to walk away with a paycheck and a smile.

Clear your mind of all preconceptions. What I stated was that the wage was the same as a direct employee, but I was to be hired contract to pay my taxes and his. If I were paid double, typical contractor wage and then wanted my taxes paid, you would have a relevant point. It’s becoming dishonest that you refuse to understand that he was willing to pay me $25 hr, standard wage for an acft mechanic, then wanted to pay me contractor style, 1099. Not sure how this is hard to grasp. We’re in agreement, pay me contractor wage, 40-50 hr, then let me pay all taxes, pay me as a direct employee, pay me $25/hr. Funny thing was that he came by later, looked at the project I’m working on and wanted to hire me as direct employee. He fucked up, he gambled and lost.

Then you turn around and scream he is shitting on the little guy when by definition you are contract labor.

My career field is not by definition, contract labor. I’ve been hired both ways several times and the idea is to pay me about twice if I’m contract. There is no misunderstanding here, just you skewing definitions as you go. Again, I am not by definition, contract labor. You can hire anyone for any profession as a direct or a contract employee.
So how is he making you pay his taxes?
By me filing a 1040SE, 1040C. He reaps all benefits of a regular direct employee while not paying any taxes normally associated with a regular direct employee, AND PAYS NORMAL 25/HR WAGES. The standard is to pay 25/hr wage as a direct employee or to pay about twice for a contract employee and pay nothing else, he wanted the best of both worlds and lost out huge when he saw my work. I would rather drive 100 miles to get work or do something else rather than to work for this guy out of principle. When the lowly blue-collar guy bends over for rich RW scum maggot and allows them to reestablish our employment rules, they will never get returned. Funny how American workers criticize this whereas those so-called pussies over in Western Europe control their employers….almost would think they are tougher than us if I wasn’t so brainwashed as most Americans. Is this understandable or are you still going to skew my words?

If he charges 50000 grand to rebuild a plane, pays you 20000 and pays for 10000 in materials, you act like he should pay taxes on 40000, why, how is that fair

That would be fair, but when I get paid by the hour rather than by the flat rate job, that comparison is irrelevant. I have no issue with your example, it just doesn’t apply here.

You sound like a smart guy and are probably very good at what you do, you want to fight for the little guy but your not the fucking little guy.
I definitely am a smart guy and I am willing to support all of my assertions, something that is scarce around here. I am the little guy, I haven’t had health insurance for years, most of my adult life and I drive a 96 Geo Metro. I have my Fiero in storage. I am the little guy as you are.

I said I'm not a republican because I disagree with some of what they do and stand for, I disagree with democrats a hell of a lot more.
Show you’re not a neo-con and explain; I’m all ears/eyes. BTW, who do you vote for? I’ve disclosed my voting history several times, will again.

Personally I feel like bush should have been 100 percent for stem cell research. I think it might have helped him a lot. Some times I think he only has two brain cells left and they are fucking fighting "they want us to control social security like its a government program or somethin". Give me a fuckin break.
I just used the stem cell example to show when he finally issued a veto it was for a no fiscal issue.
And don't start thinking I'm on your side because I'm not, democrats piss and moan about all the soldiers that die in war.

I don’t care about sides, that’s a neo-con’s concern. As for soldiers dying in war, I worked with a guy, John Ewing, who lost a son in the Memorial Day Massacre 2 years ago Memorial Day. He’s a hard-core Repub, Iraq vet himself, I wonder if he wines about it? Your statement doesn’t make a lot of sense about whining. Furthermore, there are so many more reasons to like or dislike Dems than their war stance/foreign policy. I guess you tried the fiscal reasons and lost at that. I would love to read a constructive post defining these things and don’t cut-n-paste, actually research and post a list, I will respectfully address all of your points.

I bet that not a single person currently in the US milt was drafted, meaning they volunteered.

OK, but when you enlist you do so under a good faith understanding that they will be responsible in war actions, Bush was not. Furthermore, the stop-loss program is very suspect and is tantamount to the draft. Not sure what your point is.

And if your wondering, yes I was in the marines) but the same party fights for the right to kill thousands of babys through abortion, and I do feel like some abortions are justified such as rape cases.

This is what I’m talking about, you’re all over the place like a drunk sailor with these issues, but I’ll bite. I can also say the same party, yours (Republicans) wants to refuse healthcare guarantee and most/all social programs, yet when it comes time for Halliburton to make a few 100 million, they draft these welfare kids in large part.

Also, the left advocates choice, not abortion. The right advocates not having healthcare if you’re not well off enough to buy it; so what’s your point? Is one more depraved than the other?

You can call me kid all you like, but I've been standing on my own two feet since I was 16 and that was 14 years ago, I work my ass off to support my wife and our three children, they all have the best health ins that blue cross offers and I can't afford any for myself, so I hope obama does fix the shit, but I won't be holding my breath, and I'm sure as hell not going to be bragging about what he's gonna do.
By reading your writings I imagined you were early 20’s. I went into the Air Force when I was 17, so I can appreciate your service. You sound like a descent guy, perhaps support your thoughts and ideas with fact and data. It’s easy to get lost in BS rhetoric, esp as a Marine, but common sense must factor in somewhere. If you actually researched issues/data/etc you would probably have a different opinion on some issues. Take, for instance, the one I debunked about all Republicans for 40 years before 95, the worst years were when the Republicans owned the Senate for the 6 years of Reagan. Not to mention the best fiscal years were 55 to the early 70’s when the debt fell on 2 separate occasions. OPEC led to the BS that started in the early 70’s and brought us thru to the early 80’s; the oil crisis was largely responsible for stagflation. The more I read about presidential and fiscal history the more I realize GHWB was not a neo-con as I have previously stated. He was great president and is a great man. Reagan….well, fascist neo-con pig.

Is obama gonna take my guns?

Come on, man, you’re smarter than that, don’t buy into the idiotic rhetoric.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by allWorkNoPlay »

Can someone bail out my 401k?

My mutual funds which I bought at the top of the market are down 50% due to no fault of my own.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

allWorkNoPlay wrote:Can someone bail out my 401k?

My mutual funds which I bought at the top of the market are down 50% due to no fault of my own.

I was there too, in the dot.com bubble burst. Fortunately all I lost was the match. The stock market is gambling, buying a house should not be.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by allWorkNoPlay »

I don't see a difference between losing money on a house and losing it in the stock market.
EBSB52 wrote:
allWorkNoPlay wrote:Can someone bail out my 401k?

My mutual funds which I bought at the top of the market are down 50% due to no fault of my own.

I was there too, in the dot.com bubble burst. Fortunately all I lost was the match. The stock market is gambling, buying a house should not be.
The Dark Side of Will
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by The Dark Side of Will »

EBSB52 wrote:
allWorkNoPlay wrote:Can someone bail out my 401k?

My mutual funds which I bought at the top of the market are down 50% due to no fault of my own.

I was there too, in the dot.com bubble burst. Fortunately all I lost was the match. The stock market is gambling, buying a house should not be.
Why not?
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

allWorkNoPlay wrote:I don't see a difference between losing money on a house and losing it in the stock market.
EBSB52 wrote:
allWorkNoPlay wrote:Can someone bail out my 401k?

My mutual funds which I bought at the top of the market are down 50% due to no fault of my own.

I was there too, in the dot.com bubble burst. Fortunately all I lost was the match. The stock market is gambling, buying a house should not be.

Then you must really think lowly of your party that wanted to mix social security funds in the stock market. Anyone who says a house is an investment is an idiot, I've heard several economists speak on that. An investment doesn't need an air conditioner, plumbing works, etc. A car, a house, clothes are not investments, they are neccessities. An investment is a risk at various levels, a person can invest in a business, an idea, etc. As with the stock market, you are buying a share of a business, an idea, a product, a comodity, etc and that is a risk. You can buy bonds that won't earn much moe than simple interest, but they are basically guaranteed, but no, we want to hit the homerun so we invest in higher risk assets and brag when we win, whine when we lose. Buying a house to live in, other than buying them to flip, is not an investment, it is a dwelling that is essential to live. I realize yours is a backdoor attempt to impeach Obama's efforts, but if you look at his plan he isn't helping home investors buying to flip or buying multiple houses, he is helping the family that bought a house at the peek and the bottom has fallen out. Of course everyone loves the guy that overspent on the military, started an illicit war and said fuck the average Joe, amazing us Americans....
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:
EBSB52 wrote:
allWorkNoPlay wrote:Can someone bail out my 401k?

My mutual funds which I bought at the top of the market are down 50% due to no fault of my own.

I was there too, in the dot.com bubble burst. Fortunately all I lost was the match. The stock market is gambling, buying a house should not be.
Why not?
I'll repost the above and then expound upon it:

Then you must really think lowly of your party that wanted to mix social security funds in the stock market. Anyone who says a house is an investment is an idiot, I've heard several economists speak on that. An investment doesn't need an air conditioner, plumbing works, etc. A car, a house, clothes are not investments, they are neccessities. An investment is a risk at various levels, a person can invest in a business, an idea, etc. As with the stock market, you are buying a share of a business, an idea, a product, a comodity, etc and that is a risk. You can buy bonds that won't earn much moe than simple interest, but they are basically guaranteed, but no, we want to hit the homerun so we invest in higher risk assets and brag when we win, whine when we lose. Buying a house to live in, other than buying them to flip, is not an investment, it is a dwelling that is essential to live. I realize yours is a backdoor attempt to impeach Obama's efforts, but if you look at his plan he isn't helping home investors buying to flip or buying multiple houses, he is helping the family that bought a house at the peek and the bottom has fallen out. Of course everyone loves the guy that overspent on the military, started an illicit war and said fuck the average Joe, amazing us Americans....

So your question is why should a house not be a gamble. Actually it can be if you are buying to flip. Let's say a person buys a house to flip, they buy it w/o a disclosure at auction and find it has several problems. Taht was a gamble and based upon what they bought it for, what it costs to repair and what they sell it for, it was a good or a bad gamble. If a person/family buys a house to live in for the long haul, it should not be a gamble but a neccessity such as a car. Can you live in an apartment or rent a house? Can you take teh bus? Of course, but having a house and a car are part of teh American dream and if they are longterm there are protections, moreso for the house. If you're buying and flipping, total gamble, if you're buying to live in, there are many protections. The Department of Real Estate has laws and protections for buyers, state law has protections, federal ledning laws have protections, the buyer must disclose all known defects or repairs, ect. Will, you can look for all the Obama hate you can try to manufacture, but buying a house for a family is not supposed to be a gamble. Of course there is risk associated with buying anything used, assuming it's used, but the establishment has laws in place to mitigate those risks unlike other forms of what is gambling like the stock market, flipping cars, houses, investing in ideas, products, etc.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by slowpoke »

I get it now, you really want to debate this stuff. I'm usually playing devils advocate. You asked some questions, well I don't mind answering them.

I have never voted. I am going to in future elections. I just always knew I couldn't fix things and didn't know who's ideas were better. Of course some people will say that I don't have any right to bitch, but I feel like I do because no matter if I vote or not the government still works for us(including me)
I think you asked me to list my views?
Gun control. Con
Abortion. Con
Health care reform. Pro
Social security reform. Pro
More taxes. Con
Bigger government. Con
I guess you would
Call it economic reform.pro

That's all I could think of right now if you want to know about any in particular let me know.

I feel like there are always scare tactics from both sides
"Democrats will try and take your guns"
"Republicans will try and take your social security"

Honestly I think they are both right, but niether has succeeded yet.

But there is a bill rolling around called the ammunitions accountability act. Its attacking ammunition and the right to reload, just a back door to gun control. I believe its also messing with concealed handgun licenses. Wish I had a website for you, I'm sure you can find it.

Its all yours man
I wasn't banned, I'd just rather be here.
The Dark Side of Will
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by The Dark Side of Will »

EBSB52 wrote:
The Dark Side of Will wrote:
EBSB52 wrote: I was there too, in the dot.com bubble burst. Fortunately all I lost was the match. The stock market is gambling, buying a house should not be.
Why not?
I'll repost the above and then expound upon it:
In owning ANYTHING, you're signing up to the risk involved, including losing your job and not being able to make the payments, needing a new fridge in 6 months, transmission failure, etc. Don't want any risk? Don't get out of bed in the morning. It's a cruel world and it's not for the timid.

Risk CAN be reduced, but the reduction has to be bought. Insurance covers many things, but the market boom is unfortunately not one of them. Who foots the bill for the riskless housing you want?
EBSB52 wrote:Can you live in an apartment or rent a house? Can you take teh bus? Of course, but having a house and a car are part of teh American dream
And property ownership being the "American dream" makes owning a house a necessity worthy of being made riskless? Poppycock. The attitude that everyone's entitled to buy a house is what got us into this mess in the first place.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

In owning ANYTHING, you're signing up to the risk involved, including losing your job and not being able to make the payments, needing a new fridge in 6 months, transmission failure, etc. Don't want any risk? Don't get out of bed in the morning. It's a cruel world and it's not for the timid.

So you're trying to correlate and make equal the risks of buying a house for a primary dwelling and buying stocks? Yea, any argument is possibe with overbreadth. So buying in NASDAQ is the same as that 25 yo couple buying their first house, not really knowing what they're doing? No wonder your party has been relegated to nothingness but for 3 measly seats in the sebate. By reading you and by watching Limbaugh and your RNC head I see that the denial phase is still in effect; good. Because we all know that before you can heal you must first pass teh denial phase. Will, perhaps you're in bigger denial than we knbow, but your party and your ideology as a practice in the US is grave danger of extinction. If, "My friends, tax cuts fix everything" McSame would have been elcted his name would have been, "McHoover" and your party would have gone the way of the Whig, not sure if that's teh case anyway. If you guys get your ass handed to you a 3rd straight cycle in < 2 years from now, the writing will be on the wall. Perhaps another party will surface.

If Obama is successfull, I believe the country will be focused on the Dem party for quite some time.

But your, "It's a cruel world" speech is nothing more than saying, "I'm doing well, fuck everyone else who isn't." This, again, is why your party is watching real politicians from the sidelines.

Risk CAN be reduced, but the reduction has to be bought. Insurance covers many things, but the market boom is unfortunately not one of them. Who foots the bill for the riskless housing you want?

I don't want riskless housing, I want government controls. How can you now go on to harp about an unregulated market when that is what brought us here? Since this was the banking system that brought us here, we have options:

- Let homeowners and the banks fail

- Bail them out

And what I can't belive is that you aren't smart enough or have the foresight to see that your house will fall in value if the gov allows for failure. There would be millions of foreclosures out there and your house would be worth a fraction of what it is now. And then another group of rich scum opportunists would come in and profit, they would wait for houses to hit bottom and pounce and buy houses for 20-30% of the value they would eventually be worth, rent them out for a profit and then sell when they resume value. Unlike your dream of anarchy, a guy like Obama and the Dems want the people to have equity, not just a few rich opportunists.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

I have never voted. I am going to in future elections. I just always knew I couldn't fix things and didn't know who's ideas were better. Of course some people will say that I don't have any right to bitch, but I feel like I do because no matter if I vote or not the government still works for us(including me)

Voting is sometimes symbolic considering 1 votes means nothing, it’s a good thung to vote, but I’m not gonna say you don’t have a right to bitch.

I think you asked me to list my views?

Yea but support them and expound as to why you feel that way.

- Gun control. Con
-----subjective and the depth is undefined. In a general sense I don’t want gun control either, but we have gun control limits as nothing bigger than a .50 cal (other than muzzle loaders), controlled class 3 full autos, etc. I’m sure you don’t want dangerous felons owning guns, so that is gun control.. Kind of a vague statement.
- Abortion. Con
-----So you don’t think a woman has the right to control her body? I see you wrote that abortion is ok in cases of rape, how does that make the fetus less viable as a human? This is about a human being murdered, right? This really exposes the fight of the moral right to nothing more than a pseudo moral contest when they allow for abortion in rape and incest. First they say it’s about murder, then they say it’s ok to murder, as long as the human was ill-conceived. I’m calling it a human for the sake of this argument, BTW. It’s an objective and viable argument to allow for abortion for the health and safety of the mother, as she was here first, but an absolutist wouldn’t even go with that. See, there are degrees here, not black/white arguments as the fundies and GOP will have you believe. When you research and exchange with people you can really understand why you feel the way you do. Often people will change their positions of issues after they further understand them.

- Health care reform. Pro
-----That is extremely vague and subjective. A GOP would call reform making it even more exclusive, a lib would say to enact full universal healthcare is reform. So you really haven’t defined anything here.
- Social security reform. Pro
-----Same as above, GOP would say to invest it in the stock market is reform, libs say to keep it gov controlled and expand coverage is reform.
-More taxes. Con
-----OK, so you think it’s bad to raise taxes? Do you realize that most times in the last 100 years when taxes were raised that things became better, GDP, less deficit, etc? Whne taxes were lowered they went to fuck? I can provide tons of great evidence, I have recently here already. With that, you want to not raise taxes?
- Bigger government. Con
-----Again, that’s party specific. The GOP will throw billions at the military to grow the gov, Dems will throw billions at social programs, so neither party since probably Eisenhower has actually shrunk the gov, as a guess.
- I guess you would
Call it economic reform.pro
-----You’re seeing the Dems idea of economic refoirm, McHoover would have said - altogether now - “MY FRIENDS, TAX CUTS, MY FRIENDS.” McCain, purely an opiate for the idiots.
That's all I could think of right now if you want to know about any in particular let me know.

OK, how about addressing this point I made where you were errant:

No problem, I don’t want to base an answer on a misunderstanding or a typo, I want to address substance. OK, let’s take 40 years from the 94 takeover of congress by the R’s, that’s what I believe you were referring to. So 1954 to 1994, in reality 1955 to 1995, as the R’s took office in Jan 1995. So let’s look at that, you say the D’s had full control of congress from 55 to 95. Not exactly true, during the first 6 Reagan years, the worst run-up of that decade and unprecedented at that time, the Republicans controlled the Senate. So even with your misunderstanding clarified, you’re wrong.

http://uspolitics.about.com/od/usgovern ... sion_2.htm

Hit on that, there is no searching, just hit the prompt and you’ll see Republicans owned the Senate for 6 years during Reagan.

Also, the debt fell twice in that period, 1955 to 1995 and the debt had only fallen 4 or 5 times in history, twice in that deadly period, according to you. Please explain how these Dem controlled congressional years were supposedly so bad, the ones from 1955 to 1980 where the debt fell twice amid 2 wars, Korea and VN. I agree the shit got bad during the Reagan years, but that was under Republican Senatorial rule. Of course Dems took control of congress after that during GHWB’s term and things got better as far as the debt, after GHWB passed thru congress and signed the 1990 debt act and the debt increase started to taper off, something Reagan and the Repubs in the Senate weren’t worried about.

...if you really think I'm gonna look all this shit up your nuts, …

So I post data and you refuse to simply hit the website clicky? I don’t post as some do and just post a basic site, I get right to the table or the data and give you that site. Hard for you to disagree with me when you won’t look at my data and try to impeach it.

...what I meant about the contract labor is that you pay your own taxes, you act like the employer should pay all the taxes at that higher rate you were bitching about and match your social security plus pay for insurance, unemployment ins, workman’s comp, and you should be able to walk away with a paycheck and a smile.
Answer these:

Clear your mind of all preconceptions. What I stated was that the wage was the same as a direct employee, but I was to be hired contract to pay my taxes and his. If I were paid double, typical contractor wage and then wanted my taxes paid, you would have a relevant point. It’s becoming dishonest that you refuse to understand that he was willing to pay me $25 hr, standard wage for an acft mechanic, then wanted to pay me contractor style, 1099. Not sure how this is hard to grasp. We’re in agreement, pay me contractor wage, 40-50 hr, then let me pay all taxes, pay me as a direct employee, pay me $25/hr. Funny thing was that he came by later, looked at the project I’m working on and wanted to hire me as direct employee. He fucked up, he gambled and lost.

My career field is not by definition, contract labor. I’ve been hired both ways several times and the idea is to pay me about twice if I’m contract. There is no misunderstanding here, just you skewing definitions as you go. Again, I am not by definition, contract labor. You can hire anyone for any profession as a direct or a contract employee.

By me filing a 1040SE, 1040C. He reaps all benefits of a regular direct employee while not paying any taxes normally associated with a regular direct employee, AND PAYS NORMAL 25/HR WAGES. The standard is to pay 25/hr wage as a direct employee or to pay about twice for a contract employee and pay nothing else, he wanted the best of both worlds and lost out huge when he saw my work. I would rather drive 100 miles to get work or do something else rather than to work for this guy out of principle. When the lowly blue-collar guy bends over for rich RW scum maggot and allows them to reestablish our employment rules, they will never get returned. Funny how American workers criticize this whereas those so-called pussies over in Western Europe control their employers….almost would think they are tougher than us if I wasn’t so brainwashed as most Americans. Is this understandable or are you still going to skew my words?

That would be fair, but when I get paid by the hour rather than by the flat rate job, that comparison is irrelevant. I have no issue with your example, it just doesn’t apply here.

I said I'm not a republican because I disagree with some of what they do and stand for, I disagree with democrats a hell of a lot more.
So which party do you align yourself with? I’m still registered Repub, but haven’t voted that way since Dole. Why do you dislike the Dem policies? Be specific. Their actions (cause) and the result (effect).

I feel like there are always scare tactics from both sides
"Democrats will try and take your guns"
"Republicans will try and take your social security"

That’s a good point, I have never looked at the Dems being the party of the scare, as they are the more passive party, but as for guns, remember, the NRA revoked GHWB’s card for I believe it was the Colt debacle. As well, Clinton’s fucked Assault Rifle Ban that sunsetted in GWB’s term was to be signed by GWB if it passed thru congress, per GWB’s own words, so don’t think the R’s are all for you/us in regard to gun ownership. Also, you’re forgetting that 3 branch, the SCOTUS has just sent us a decision, DC v Heller, where they have for the first time declared that a private person has the right to own a gun, not just militias. OF course this could reverse, but for now the SCOTUS, the ultimate legislators, have decided for us in a way the other 2 legislative branches cannot.

Honestly I think they are both right, but niether has succeeded yet.

Both right about fear-mongering? I think the right are the generators of fear. As for the aft taking social benefit, are you familiar with GWB’s killing of the Ergonomics Bill, the rewriting of the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act by way of the Overtime Bill/Law? Here’s just 1 example of what I’m talking about: http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washi ... _programs/

WASHINGTON -- President Bush yesterday unveiled a $2.77 trillion spending plan for the next fiscal year that would slash healthcare and education spending, and that would enact deep cuts to scores of other federal programs, while boosting the military budget and making permanent a series of tax cuts that Congress has passed in recent years.
The budget would shave $35.9 billion over five years from Medicare, the politically sensitive healthcare program for the elderly. The Medicare cuts, along with a $4.5 billion reduction in the Medicaid budget, are part of $65.2 billion in savings culled from entitlement programs, the fastest-growing part of the federal budget.
By law, the government is required to spend money on those programs, like Medicare, to cover those who are eligible.
Bush also has proposed saving $14.7 billion by eliminating or significantly scaling back 141 government programs, including antidrug efforts in schools, food stamps, vocational education, and housing benefits for the elderly and the disabled.

Come on, the right has also killed labor unions basic right to strike since fascist pig Ronnie. There is no threat/fear from the right, just actions.
But there is a bill rolling around called the ammunitions accountability act. Its attacking ammunition and the right to reload, just a back door to gun control. I believe its also messing with concealed handgun licenses. Wish I had a website for you, I'm sure you can find it.

I believe you, and I think it sucks, but it is also futile. Until they actually have 1 inch of success, it’s all meaningless. As well, how many would comply with mass registration of firearms? You know, I used to be all crazy about having a gun with me all the time, in my car, yes it is legal if it’s in a holster in AZ. I was really extreme and I still have all my guns from 10-20 years ago, but after hearing people taking concealed carry classes, the resounding thought is this: If there is a shooting and you’re the only person who brought a gun, guess who’s holding the bag? They tend to steer you away from it or to use great discretion. With that, I’m still pro-gun, pro-CCW, etc, I just think it’s a bit overblown and I don’t bring a gun with me anymore, have them all over my house tho. The SCOTUS, from all they’ve led us to believe, would consider basic gun ownership as sacred as ammo ownership. Here’s the case: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_o ... _v._Heller

Full version: http://www.scotusblog.com/wp/wp-content ... 7-2901.pdf

I expect you to read and understand it all!! JK. I haven’t read it all, just briefed it. It’s a good one for us, so don’t worry what the other 2 legislative branches do. By that I mean the goal of all 3 branches, Executive, Judicial, and Legislative is to make laws that stand. Funny thing is that the legislative branch has the least to do with them, all they do is make statue, the other 2 branches make law that stands.
Posts: 148
Joined: Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:05 pm

Re: Obama Speech

Post by allWorkNoPlay »

I'm not sure I can continue a conversation with someone who doesn't understand that buying real estate is an investment. It would be like arguing that the earth isn't flat, that gravity exists or 1 + 1 = 2.

Buying a home isn't essential to living. Those who cannot afford home ownership or cannot handle its responsibilities should be renters.
EBSB52 wrote:Anyone who says a house is an investment is an idiot,...Buying a house to live in, other than buying them to flip, is not an investment, it is a dwelling that is essential to live.
Last edited by allWorkNoPlay on Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 148
Joined: Fri Jul 01, 2005 1:05 pm

Re: Obama Speech

Post by allWorkNoPlay »

I must have missed that part of the bill of rights that talked about the right to home ownership that these people think they're entitled to.
The Dark Side of Will wrote:
And property ownership being the "American dream" makes owning a house a necessity worthy of being made riskless? Poppycock. The attitude that everyone's entitled to buy a house is what got us into this mess in the first place.
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