-- Ten U.S. Marines killed in action

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Post by V8Mikie »

EBSB52 wrote:
Indy wrote:
DiggityBiggity wrote:
V8Mikie wrote:
DiggityBiggity wrote:
z.MacK wrote:Al quida wants north america dead
(forgive the speling been drinkin)

GW will do what is best for out great country of the USA.
Been drinking just like our president... Al Quida was FUNDED and TRAINED by the C.I.A. Osama Bin Forgotten was a C.I.A. assett, and the BUSH' and the Bin Ladens do business and vacation together...

Your concerned leader

Diggity"Bush will do what's best for his wallet"Biggity
I don't really see what the hel that proves. For one, that was in the 80s. Secondly, we supported anyone who would help bring down the USSR. We gave them weapons just like Russia helped out Vietnam. It was our way of getting back at them. Why would we not want to take advantage of that opportunity?
We took advantage of them... exactly...

Your concerned leader

Diggity"Then we left them out to dry..."Biggity
What a way to take advantage of someone...give them weapons so they can defend themselves...
No, what the deal is, is that the bigs, US, Russia, China, etc are too big a pussies to fight each other so they vicariously fight through countries like Korea and VN by funding and giving weapons to the opposition.
True. But hey, we had to give them their own Vietnam.
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Post by z.MacK »

Are you the one who said the infamous Old Europe quote "He is our president and I will follow him even if I know he is wrong" Now THAT is a big problem.

I do agree with *most of what the current government is doing in the middle east.
One of the big disagreements I have is how they are nationbuilding in iraq. Iraq is a third world country and probably will be for many decades to come. Its pointless to set up a democracy there, and send over the amount of men we have.

I think the US should have teamed up with Israels' secret service and killed as many terrororists as possable.

The middle east is out of control! What should the US and the rest of the world do?
Do nothing?
Send in ground troops?
Send in assaisans to seak out the big threats?
Bomb them off the map?
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Post by z.MacK »


Post by Lex »

z.MacK wrote: The middle east is out of control! What should the US and the rest of the world do?
Get out.
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Post by z.MacK »

Lex wrote:
z.MacK wrote: The middle east is out of control! What should the US and the rest of the world do?
Get out.
Would that be "do nothing", or some other action?
Sinister Fiero
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Post by Sinister Fiero »

Hey, let's not forget who got us into nam: that's right, JFK...you know, the president all you super libs would leg hump if you could. Where were all of you when Clinton was bombing an asperin factory and single-handedly going into somolia? Lets go back a little further in time, shall we?

What about WWII? It is a PROVEN FACT that FDR lied to the American public about many things including the circumstances that eventually made us end up in the war. But that's not the point. The point is, it was justified and it needed to be done. But if this were 65 or so years ago, all you same tools talking smack about the iraq war might still be talking smack about going to war with germany; because not a one of you knows shit about history or world politics. (I say might because back then a Democrat was president, and most of you don't say shit when your guy is in power, regardless of what he does)

FACT: WMD's were found in Iraq. Not in huge mass-quantities but they WERE FOUND. This has been proven many times!

FACT: Saddam did have connections to Al Quida; there was a metting between his government and rep's from Osama just months before we went in. This has been proven.

FACT: Saddam was repeatedly violating the ceasefire and UN resolutions ever since the 1st Iraq war. He has continually shot at our aircraft! Isn't that an act of war in itself?

To all of you anti-war people: If you are going to protest this war, you had better start protesting every other war this country has been involved in, because the circumstances have NOT changed. Yes, in WWII we were attacked by Japan, but who did we go to war with first? GERMANY. In fact, Germany hadn't even openly attacked us until we declaired war on them. So what makes that any different than what is happened with Iraq? Can you explain that to me?

I just think some of you people have an axe to grind with Bush and rep's in general. Do I like Bush? Not really, but he was the best choice considering the other options. Hell, I would even go as far as to use an excuse one of my liberal friends used when voting: he was the lesser of two evils. Do you honestly think Al Gore or John Kerry would be a better pick? (if you do, you are a bigger idiot than anyone thought).

Listen boys and girls, I don't normally get involved in these political discussions because the people bitching the loudest are usually deaf already so it is pointless to argue with them. I just had to say my peace and refresh some memories with a history lesson because it seems to have been lost. I just get sick and tired of people bitching about what some republican says or does when their own political party does 10 times worse plus lies about it. You anti-war, anti-bush people need to come down off your soap box because those of us on the other side of the political isle know you won't be happy until your party is back in power. Then they can do all of the same shit our party is doing but the only difference is you won't say shit about it!

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Post by V8Mikie »

Sinister Fiero wrote:
FACT: Saddam was repeatedly violating the ceasefire and UN resolutions ever since the 1st Iraq war. He has continually shot at our aircraft! Isn't that an act of war in itself?
It's funny how no one EVER discusses this fact. Ever. Not only would he shoot at our aircraft but they were using our aircraft to test their equipment and to improve their defense systems. His violation of the agreement signed after they first got whooped is enough justification for a regime change in my mind.

That's the thing about this war. In the very least it showed the world we are not as spineless as they thought under Clinton after the embarassment in Mogadishu. We needed to show that because frankly no one was scared of any military action under Clinton, he was so clueless the only thing he knew how to do was lob some cruise missiles. Maybe if the problem was dealt with back then we wouldn't be in this mess.
Sinister Fiero
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Post by Sinister Fiero »

Forgive the armchair quarterbacking but I just got done watching back-to-back episodes of SHOOTOUT on the History Channel. The first episode featured a few battles that took place in Iraq (Ramadi, and some other city) in 2003 or 2004. Anyway, basically our commanders sent a couple of Marine squads into Ramadi on a patrol and things got ugly and our guys didn't have any tank or air support. Now don't get me wrong, I am FOR the war in Iraq. I am convinced this war is justified because of the facts that have been proven since we went to war PLUS the fact we have NOT had a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since we went to war. But I watched this program on the history channel in utter disbelief as our Marines were getting cut down by enemy fire and they didn't have any heavy support. (reminds me of Blackhawk Down / Somolia). WTF guys? Didn't we learn anything from Somolia? Lets get our ground pounders some friggen tank and helo support for Christ sake!
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