Obama Speech

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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

allWorkNoPlay wrote:I'm not sure I can continue a conversation with someone who doesn't understand that buying real estate is an investment. It would be like arguing that the earth isn't flat, that gravity exists or 1 + 1 = 2.

Buying a home isn't essential to living. Those who cannot afford home ownership or cannot handle its responsibilities should be renters.
EBSB52 wrote:Anyone who says a house is an investment is an idiot,...Buying a house to live in, other than buying them to flip, is not an investment, it is a dwelling that is essential to live.

Well, if you have excuses to not answer the mountain of evidence or cannot admit when he is wrong about his supposed fact, as he put it, that Congress was all Dem-controlled 40 years prior to the mid 90's, then I guess we can't converse. As well, your attitude that I must be wrong because anyone with 2 brain cells knows X, Y or Z is really idiotically presumptuous. Why not ask further why I feel the way I do? That's the intelligent approach. I've heard economic experts a long time ago lecture that a house is not an investment, even tho you might earn money from it. Here's an interesting read:

http://www.freemoneyfinance.com/2007/09 ... use-a.html Do I expect you to propmt on it? No, you've already said you aren't into reading someone's information, data, info, etc. Of course those silly people in universities use that silly method.

So to sum up why I rent: Shares right now cost 16 times earnings and over long time periods return 7% a year after inflation. Houses right now cost 19 times their "earnings" and over long time periods return zero after inflation. And they look likely to return less than that for a while.

And the tax advantage makes a house a tax shelter, but not really an investment:

The tax breaks aren't really breaks at all. Moreover, a majority of homeowners don't claim them. Their incomes are low enough to make the standard deduction a better deal.

http://www.freemoneyfinance.com/2007/07 ... er-to.html

But remember, tax shelters are not investments, in fact, when investors make too much money off their investments, they often look for losses by which they can write off their investment capital gains. Buying an individual house to live in is not an investment, buying houses to flip can be an investment.

As for responsibilities, many new homeowners in trouble are responsible people who bought at a time they should not have, they were just unaware of the market via naivety. Liars on loan applications should not be helped, the average person buying a house unaware of the market mess should be. Of course anarchists don't feel that, they want the entire nation to fail huge, just liketheir racist, drug addict buddy Rush.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

allWorkNoPlay wrote:I must have missed that part of the bill of rights that talked about the right to home ownership that these people think they're entitled to.
The Dark Side of Will wrote:
And property ownership being the "American dream" makes owning a house a necessity worthy of being made riskless? Poppycock. The attitude that everyone's entitled to buy a house is what got us into this mess in the first place.

I don't think the right to breath is in there either, think of all the oxygen/nitrogen you've been stealing. Firstly please do not live your life by a 222 YO document, secondly, the living constitution is the one by which we recognize, whether you like it or not.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

For all you thinking that a house is an investment, read this from Yahoo Finance, The Wall Street Journal: http://finance.yahoo.com/real-estate/ar ... hink-it-is

Your home means a lot of things to you, most of them good. Your home gives comfort and protection to you and your family, and it could well embody all your material hopes and dreams.

Unfortunately for both groups, however, houses are not very good investments. For the grasshoppers, there's nothing quite as stupid as paying off your 2002 trip to Orlando in 2032, when you finally settle up your refinanced "cash out" 30-year mortgage. And for the ants, economic studies have demonstrated over and over that houses (1) cost more than most people make when they sell and (2) rarely match the long-term returns of stocks or other investments.

It may be late for a lot of homeowners to read this, but here it goes anyway: It's risky and bad planning to have too much of your net worth in your principal residence. No prudent stock-market player would put 60% or 70% of a portfolio in just one stock, but millions will hold that much or more of their total net worth in just one house.


We can go on and on with this, but a house is:

- A dream place

- A place to build memories, which is why many sellers are idiots, hating to part with these memories thinking they appreciate the value of the house

- Safety

- Security, hell, even the US Const holds them the highest in reagrd as for the 4th

- A tax shelter, and why? Because they are a money pit.

If you guys want to go on thinking a house is an investment, I'm good with it, but I could post article after another from experts citing that it is not. When I was a young dumbshit who knew it all, I felt the same way as you guys, now that I'm old and bald I understand that it is not an ivestment even tho you may make money from it.

Look, the government wants stability and people who get married and have kids, then buy a house in whatever order create stability, hence the US and local govs give you a tax break for this. GET IT? A realtor is a con artist in most cases, they will tell you it is an investment to make you feel proud and buy, but an investment like a stock can be bought with diversity and liquidated immediately, a house can hang around forr years. It's contrary to what we're taught, but a house is not an investment, sorry to dissolusion you.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by slowpoke »

Man first of all, I do not align myself wirh any party, I stand on my own two feet and don't need to be told what to think. I did say I wouldn't look things up, but I guess what I should have said is for the sake of the arguments we are making I will take your word for it. I don't understand what you mean when you say the right wing controled the senate during the eightys. Is that part of congress, don't they vote with the house to make up congress? Didn't democrats have an overall majority during these years? If I am wrong then I apoligize for my ignorance.

I will tell you now that I am on a blackberry phone doing all this and I have trouble looking back at what has been said while I am posting. That's why I am "all over the place and I don't answer everything you ask. Ever thought of changing your name to Longwinded. I know, I have the same problem.

I think I will just answer a few questions per post, if I don't get finished I am not avoiding the questions but my wife may want her phone back.

You asked me to clarify some of my stances. Abortion: its amazing you said what you did about the womens health being threatened. I agree that in that case an abortion should be an option. Does a woman get to make decisions about her body, yes and she did when she had sex with some guy without any protection, (I know accidents happen but I am talking about the way I feel I'm not trying to make everyone conform to it) if abortion wasn't an option(or at least harder to get) imagine the decrease in the spread of disease alone. I don't have a problem with a NEEDED abortion, I have a problem with COSMETIC abortions (please don't act like you don't know what I mean by that)

Economic reform : as I said before, I don't know whose ideas are better. But here is one for you: bush and obama are giving money to banks who gave home loans that are now at risk of foreclosure right? Well instead of giving that money to the banks, why not pay off the loans of the people who were honest when they purchased their homes. That would help out the little guy and get the banks their money, I heard somthing on the news a couple of months ago about the first bailout being enough money to pay off every mortgage under 75000 in the US. I don't know if that is true but wouldn't that be somthing.

Social security : in galveston tx I am told that teachers can actually opt out of social security. I know that if we were all aloud to do that there would be a lot of homeless elderly in the future because not everyone can handle that responsibility. But I think that people who have been proven to be responsible should have that right. My grandfather could not draw social security and his retirement, why the hell is that, he paid both. He had to choose between the two and I think there was a nine dollar diffrence.

I don't know what was so bad about the eightys, I was born in 1978 and we were poor all my life until about 90 when my stepdad got a job offshore. I have been told most of my life that the vietnam era was pretty rough. I personnally don't know. My dad said he volunteered for the army during vietnam because he would rather be shot than starve to death. And he is democrat. I'm not saying the eightys were good I'm just saying I don't know. I do know that there were US hostages being held while reagan was running for president, during his campaign he stated that as soon as he was elected he would get them home. The day he was innaugurated(if I remember correctly)the hostages landed in the US. Is that true? If so its hard for me to hate some one like that. Why didn't the previous president get them home? They were held for over three hundred days I THINK. During clintons presidency osama bombed two US embassys and nothing happened about that until the day his impeachment hearing was supposed to be held. Is that a diversion tactic.

When I said that I think both partys are right about their scare tactics I meant that I think repubs would like to get rid of social security and democrats would like to take our guns. You don't have to post evidnce about that, I agree with you, as for as the court case, its about damn time.

I will get some more in a little bit, I don't have evidence to give you, only the life I've lived and the things I've seen.

I don't think a house is an investment other than it should save you money in the long run versus renting, factor in maintenance and it might not do that. I payed cash for my house two years ago. I kinda got lucky because I didn't think I would be responsible enough to make notes for thirty years.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by slowpoke »

In my first post I stated that if certain circumstanses exists then you are contract labor, I also said that you should make more money, I don't see any piont in argueing points we agree on. Perhaps you had a good insult on your mind like "at what point do you stop being stupid" when you read that part. I realize that I was wrong about the bushs congress. Do not think I won't admit if I'm wrong, if someone didn't admit they were wrong I would assume they gave misinformation on purpose and are caught in a lie. I am not a person who researches this stuff, I feel like you are dying for an almost worthy opponent in this debate. If you wanted a worthy opponent you wouldn't be argueing on a fiero forum but instead a political forum.(Do I have you pegged?) Just a guess but I will try and fill the void. I will not argue for a party but only for issues on which I have an opinion.

Healthcare reform: I don't know what to do about it, I know I pay nearly 500 a month for ins for my wife and kids and I wish it was cheaper, I can't even get myself on it. In the last election I heard an idea from a third party candidate, he wanted to stop letting companys buy group policys at cheaper rates so that the ins companys would need to lower their rates and sell more policies to individuals in order to make the same money, I don't know if that would work because it sounds like a lot of employees who currently have ins might end up without it. I don't think docters and hospitals should be able to charge ins companys more than individuals, that's probably helping rates rise.

I have reread my first post and I didn't find where I said that the forty years was so bad? I did say that is when the deficit got so bad, as far as I know the deficit started after the revolutionary war. The attempt to recoup that money was taxing distillerys.
So everyone has inherited a national debt since then except GWB with a republican congress after clinton with a republican congress. I am hoping that because obama has a democratic congress he will get to make some ideas reality. Although I know congress is not fillabuster proof. Then we will see if his plans hold water.

As far as gun control goes, I mean I don't want laws that effect me being able to own and carry a gun. If they want to change the law about felons not being able to own guns forever, to felons can't own guns forever and a day then I don't care. If your at a place where there is a shooting and your the only one with a gun, then hell son you shot some damn body.

I will catch some more tommorow
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by slowpoke »

No job or field is by definition contract labor as far as I know, it is based specifically on how the work is performed and who provides the tools. This info was just given to me less than a month ago by the unemployment tax admin. They defined the diffrence in employees and contract labor to let me know if I needed to start paying unemployment taxes.

I would like to see some government spending cut before taxes are raised, although clinton raised taxes and had a successful economic plan from what I understand he also cut government spending. Strangly enough I would like to see a good deal of funding stay with the military, if someday my kids decide to join the military, I want them to have the biggest baddest and the fastest of every thing, the only way that's going to happen is to support the research.

Government programs: I don't know about all of them but as I mentioned before I have had some recent experience with unemployment so let's take that one for example.

A. I have never drawn unemployment, and the one time I needed it I was turned down, I decided then that if at all possible I would never need it again. And so far I haven't. There are many people who need it and it is a good program. B. Here is the problem and it was confirmed during my talk with the unemployment administration; if I hire some one and he works for five months and I pay him good, then he stops showing up, stops doing good work, smokes dope on the job, I fire his ass, he goes to work for someone else for three days and gets layed off, he can draw unemployment and I have to pay for it. That's not cool and it gets expensive

If I missed anything let me know, but how about two or three at a time, not a whole page, if I'm wrong you don't have to post your research, just say tell me im wrong and give me the correct info. I believe you, its not like lying is going to get you a trophy if you win an argument.
I wasn't banned, I'd just rather be here.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

Man first of all, I do not align myself wirh any party, I stand on my own two feet and don't need to be told what to think.
Certainly, but at the same time I think I could take your ideologies and they would be typical Republican. Nothing wrong with that, they have been the better party thru history, just not now. I’m still registered Republican. It doesn’t matter which party you are with or relate to, I’m not here to impeach you, just critique people’s arguments or accept them - it’s not about you, just your args.
I did say I wouldn't look things up, but I guess what I should have said is for the sake of the arguments we are making I will take your word for it.

OK, when you say look them up, does that mean to click on the sites I provide or look them up independently? Or both? If it’s clicking my link, just do it, it’s right there. In some exchanges people will just post a 100-page link and tell you it’s in there somewhere, that’s crap, my info is always right there.

I don't understand what you mean when you say the right wing controled the senate during the eightys. Is that part of congress, don't they vote with the house to make up congress? Didn't democrats have an overall majority during these years? If I am wrong then I apoligize for my ignorance.

No problem at all, if you don’t know, I’ll tell ya and provide a site, if I don’t know, I’ll look it up and provide a website. Seriously, just click this and you’ll see the composition from 1945: http://uspolitics.about.com/od/usgovern ... sion_2.htm
The Dems owned all of congress from 1955 to 1995 but for the senate from 81 to 87.

Congress is comprised of 2 parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

- Thee are 100 (2 per state) Senators run for 6 years terms, they stagger the election cycles every 2 years: 33, 33,and 34, with the exception for deviations like retirements, removals, etc. The various states govern how they handle those issues.

- The House of Representatives currently has 435 members apportioned by state’s population. Arizona gained 2 a couple years back to go from 6 to 8, meaning another state lost some. They run for 2-year terms, so they are always under the gun. States can have as few as 1 Rep.

An interesting element of the number of Reps (435) and number of senators (100) is that it ties in with the electoral college. The are 535 total congress members but 3 more total electors. The answer to this is found that the District of Columbia has 3 electoral votes, no other representation, as they are not a state. So with 538 electors, half of that is 269, which is why it takes 270 to win the presidency.

As for congress and bills, generally both houses have to pass these measures, sometimes the senate has to have 60 votes. To impeach they have to have a supermajority, or 2/3 (67 of 100). To pass a const amendment they have to have 75. The process can be different for different things passed thru congress, but they vote independently and pass to the other chamber of congress after it passes the first. Generally it goes House to senate, but I’m not an expert on bill passage. I imagine a quick net search would yield that, but I think you were under the impression that both bodies voted at once, it is a 1 chamber to the other process. An interesting process is that of filibuster where in the senate minority members of an issue can stand at the podium and babble on stall an issue, house members are timed. If a party has 60 votes this cannot happen, the Dems now have 57 seats.

I will tell you now that I am on a blackberry phone doing all this and I have trouble looking back at what has been said while I am posting. That's why I am "all over the place and I don't answer everything you ask. Ever thought of changing your name to Longwinded. I know, I have the same problem.
LOL. No doubt, typical of libs, they are over-comprehensive. I don’t think you can have too much data, that’s just me.
I think I will just answer a few questions per post, if I don't get finished I am not avoiding the questions but my wife may want her phone back.

So you don’t have a laptop or desktop? You own your house, yet no desktop?

You asked me to clarify some of my stances. Abortion: its amazing you said what you did about the womens health being threatened. I agree that in that case an abortion should be an option. Does a woman get to make decisions about her body, yes and she did when she had sex with some guy without any protection, (I know accidents happen but I am talking about the way I feel I'm not trying to make everyone conform to it) if abortion wasn't an option(or at least harder to get) imagine the decrease in the spread of disease alone. I don't have a problem with a NEEDED abortion, I have a problem with COSMETIC abortions (please don't act like you don't know what I mean by that)

Abortion is a horrible thing, that’s moot, but so is government control over a person’s body. And what about people responsibly using contraception? You still didn’t address my point about how a fetus conceived based upon rape or incest is less of a human, that is, if you subscribe to life beginning at conception. That is a fallacy of the fundamental right; how is a rape-conceived fetus less of a human than a love-conceived fetus? They’re not, it’s a pseudo moral phenomenon from the fundie right.

Economic reform : as I said before, I don't know whose ideas are better. But here is one for you: bush and obama are giving money to banks who gave home loans that are now at risk of foreclosure right? Well instead of giving that money to the banks, why not pay off the loans of the people who were honest when they purchased their homes. That would help out the little guy and get the banks their money, I heard somthing on the news a couple of months ago about the first bailout being enough money to pay off every mortgage under 75000 in the US. I don't know if that is true but wouldn't that be somthing.

And we are in total agreement here, I say buy the mortgages from the banks at their overpriced values, the gov become the lien holder and the people pay their loans to the gov. It would have been perfect. Then let the banks figure it out for themselves; if they fail - bye bye. Bad thing is that then there would be a run on the banks. I think it was a necessary evil. Bush just wrote the check for the 1st 350B, he didn’t give a shit, he was just so done.

Social security : in galveston tx I am told that teachers can actually opt out of social security. I know that if we were all aloud to do that there would be a lot of homeless elderly in the future because not everyone can handle that responsibility. But I think that people who have been proven to be responsible should have that right. My grandfather could not draw social security and his retirement, why the hell is that, he paid both. He had to choose between the two and I think there was a nine dollar diffrence.
He could choose between SS and his retirement? Was his retirement huge? Must have been. That’s a good thing to me, if a senior is piss rich, even tho he paid, leave it for other elderlies who are broke. I agree that allowing anyone to opt out is a bad idea, society will end up paying for them in the future. It’s not a fair system, there is no way you will draw what you pay, no possible way. Some people die right before they draw, so they paid and didn’t gain a thing. Others pay very little and draw until over 100. Life isn’t fair, but I think we should all pay in due to us not being able to predict the future.
I don't know what was so bad about the eightys, I was born in 1978 and we were poor all my life until about 90 when my stepdad got a job offshore. I have been told most of my life that the vietnam era was pretty rough. I personnally don't know. My dad said he volunteered for the army during vietnam because he would rather be shot than starve to death. And he is democrat. I'm not saying the eightys were good I'm just saying I don't know. I do know that there were US hostages being held while reagan was running for president, during his campaign he stated that as soon as he was elected he would get them home. The day he was innaugurated(if I remember correctly)the hostages landed in the US. Is that true? If so its hard for me to hate some one like that. Why didn't the previous president get them home? They were held for over three hundred days I THINK.

When you say, bad about the 80’s, not sure what you mean. In regard to Reagan, or fascist Ronnie as I call him. I look at a president’s performance in 3 ways:

- Foreign policy

- Domestic policy

- Fiscal policy

I think Reagan was pretty good with foreign policy, fascist with domestic and fiscal policy. There was that Iran-Contra debacle, but he was senile and diaper-wearing by then, he was just clueless.

Let’s go back to Nixon to understand the latter years. Nixon promised to get us out of VN in his 1968 campaign. Truth is, he did, but after turning up the heat big time in the 4 latter years. Then his VP Agnew retired due to tax evasion, Watergate occurred right before the 72 election, but Nixon wasn’t implicated until after the election. After that, Nixon was looking for patsy to guarantee a pardon. He had to go thru a few people before he found Ford to go along with it, so he named him his VP and then resigned. Of course after that the country was sick over the pardon and a felon could have run for and been elected president in 76. Instead it was a guy never ready for the office of president, Carter. Carter would have been a great Secretary of State or foreign diplomat, never a president. So Ford was the accidental president and Carter was the do-nothing president and Iran took advantage of that.

Now, let’s look at external goings on from the early 70’s. OEC was putting the squeeze on us since the early 70’s, leading to the 76-77 oil embargo, making the $4 oil look like a bargain. It was bad, I was a teenager then. Then we had the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munich_massacre Islamic terrorists killed people:

By the end of the ordeal, the terrorist group had killed eleven Israeli athletes and coaches and one German police officer. Five of the eight members of Black September were killed by police officers during an abortive rescue attempt. The three surviving terrorists were captured, and were later released by West Germany following the hijacking by Black September of a Lufthansa airliner, a release that led to speculation that West Germany helped stage the hijacking.

Then there was the 1980 boycotting of the summer Olympics in Moscow. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_Summe ... cs_boycott That was Carter’s last mess, other than the Iranian crisis, which is found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_hostage_crisis You are right, the hostages were released Jan 20, 81, but that was in large part to the signing of the Algiers Accords in Algeria on January 19, 1981, the day before the inauguration. That mess had been brewing since 1953, it’s in the site. It gave the country the pseudo impression that these Arabs were afraid of Reagan because he’s a Republican. Truth is, the 1986 bombing of the Marines barracks in Beirut yielded Reagan to do nothing, not a fucking thing, so we see Reagan wasn’t the tiger he had the reputation to be. 300 Marines were killed there, rest their souls.

Anyway, you were saying about the 80’s, the part that was a mess was the fiscal part and that was due to the stagflation that stemmed from the early-mid 70’s, most say spurred by OPEC. Stagflation is a stagnate economy with inflation, a phenomenon that usually doesn’t occur simultaneously. Anyway, it was really no fault of Nixon, Ford, Carter or Reagan, but Reagan inherited it. Between him and the Fed Res Chairman, they decided to retract currency and this led to 10.8% unemployment. At the same time, he helped bust labor unions and then went crazy overspending on the military, eventually more than tripling the national debt in 8 years. That was the, “Me generation” as we called it. It was about greed, class separation and disparity. He was able to write enough rubber checks to make it appear to bring things together, but he furthered Hoover’s failed trickle down / supply side economics, they called it, “VooDoo Economics, “ meaning making money appear from nowhere. That was the first time in history where we had a runaway debt and no war to rationalize it. Reagan was a disaster fiscally, but I like his foreign policy.

But about the Republican fiscal policy, the 80's were a disaster and that's when the Repubs owned the senate, Jan 81 to Jan 87 and those were the bad years. The best years of the span 1955 to 1995 were in the late 1950's under Eisenhower and then in 1969 when teh debt actually fell a bit. I think the late 50's was due to Eisenhower's policy and 1969 had more to do with surplus VN funds. The Reagan / Repub Senate 1980's were perhaps the worst recent fiscal times of this country that have gone unsung.

During clintons presidency osama bombed two US embassys and nothing happened about that until the day his impeachment hearing was supposed to be held. Is that a diversion tactic.
Don’t forget about the WTC basement bombing and the USS Cole. Yep, Clinton wasn’t a military leader, but he was what we needed at the time. Just like Reagan did nothing after the Beirut bombing, Clinton didn’t substantively retaliate either. It really does no good to do so. Look at Iraq, has spending almost 1 trillion dollars there done anything positive for us? If you want to be secure, get out of other countries and guard our ports, borders and coasts. If we don’t put targets out there, they won’t have targets to hit. If they come here to hit our targets, we will hit them hard. Home field advantage is nice, let’s make a habit of it.

Was it diversion, based upon Hoffman’s movie, “Wag the Dog.”

When I said that I think both partys are right about their scare tactics I meant that I think repubs would like to get rid of social security and democrats would like to take our guns. You don't have to post evidnce about that, I agree with you, as for as the court case, its about damn time.

Yea, I think the Dems operate off of compassion and the Repubs from fear. I don’t think the Dems can take our guns. Some want to, but if and until the fiscal problems get fixed, it won’t be an issue.

I will get some more in a little bit, I don't have evidence to give you, only the life I've lived and the things I've seen.
That’s cool, just that when people come out with absolutes against my position and they’re wrong, I’m in my zone then. Hell, teach me something, or if not, I learn every time I research for any augments, I just like to learn more correct history.
I don't think a house is an investment other than it should save you money in the long run versus renting, factor in maintenance and it might not do that. I payed cash for my house two years ago. I kinda got lucky because I didn't think I would be responsible enough to make notes for thirty years.

I think a house is a great purchase. Mine was a VA loan, so I’m pissed I didn’t let them help me save it. I was really down at that point in my life. A house is the best non-investment purchase you can make and it’s a necessary tax shelter for single people like me w/o kids. I need to get one, but it’s not an investment - I used to think so. Actually some say a paid off house is a bad thing too, depends upon your financial picture, but you may want to take out a loan on it and then buy an investment property so you can write it off. Many economists say a paid off house is not good if you need the write-off. Nothing wrong with living for the cost of food and utilities either.
The Dark Side of Will
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by The Dark Side of Will »

EBSB52 wrote:
allWorkNoPlay wrote:I must have missed that part of the bill of rights that talked about the right to home ownership that these people think they're entitled to.
The Dark Side of Will wrote:
And property ownership being the "American dream" makes owning a house a necessity worthy of being made riskless? Poppycock. The attitude that everyone's entitled to buy a house is what got us into this mess in the first place.
I don't think the right to breath is in there either, think of all the oxygen/nitrogen you've been stealing. Firstly please do not live your life by a 222 YO document, secondly, the living constitution is the one by which we recognize, whether you like it or not.
The Constitution is not and can never be a living document. Imagine the chaos that would ensue if the founding fathers had used the word "gay" in the document... The original text and each ammendment must be interpreted as what the phraseology would have meant to the framers at the time they wrote it. This is a fundamental rule of constitutional construction AND an compelling reason to read every word the founding fathers ever wrote.
The Dark Side of Will
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by The Dark Side of Will »

EBSB52 wrote:
In owning ANYTHING, you're signing up to the risk involved, including losing your job and not being able to make the payments, needing a new fridge in 6 months, transmission failure, etc. Don't want any risk? Don't get out of bed in the morning. It's a cruel world and it's not for the timid.
So you're trying to correlate and make equal the risks of buying a house for a primary dwelling and buying stocks? Yea, any argument is possibe with overbreadth. So buying in NASDAQ is the same as that 25 yo couple buying their first house, not really knowing what they're doing? [partisan diatribe deleted]
No, you're trying to put words in my mouth based on your world view, which is that if something isn't entirely in one category, then it's entirely in another.
I'm saying that THERE IS RISK in everything.
If a homebuyer doesn't know what he's doing, he should RESEARCH until he does. Didn't any borrowers who KNEW that the lender misreported their income to the underwriter ever wonder WHY, or what the effects of that lie would be? What the consequences were to them? Turning a blind eye to risk doesn't make it go away. It just ensures you're going to suffer consequences because of it.

I think people should look after themselves. I don't think it's possible to save everyone from every mistake they could ever make. Moreover, I think it's completely undesirable to try. I wouldn't know what I know today if I hadn't made some wonderful mistakes along the way.
IOW, people shouldn't be protected from themselves. Screwing up is the best way to learn.
EBSB52 wrote:
Risk CAN be reduced, but the reduction has to be bought. Insurance covers many things, but the market boom is unfortunately not one of them. Who foots the bill for the riskless housing you want?
I don't want riskless housing, I want government controls. How can you now go on to harp about an unregulated market when that is what brought us here?
No it didn't. We've NEVER had an unregulated market. The government is ALWAYS in everyone's shorts about something. You can believe laissez-faire doesn't work if you like, but the truth is that it's never even been tried. It never will be, either, because no one in congress has the ability to get their grubby mits out of things.
EBSB52 wrote:And what I can't belive is that you aren't smart enough or have the foresight to see that your house will fall in value if the gov allows for failure.
Haha... I don't own a house... yet. However, the short-sale property that I'm buying is off more than 60% from it's peak sale price.
EBSB52 wrote:And then another group of rich scum opportunists would come in and profit, they would wait for houses to hit bottom and pounce and buy houses for 20-30% of the value they would eventually be worth, rent them out for a profit and then sell when they resume value. Unlike your dream of anarchy, a guy like Obama and the Dems want the people to have equity, not just a few rich opportunists.
I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but that's exactly what I intend to do. VA and FHA financing help. Does having the restraint to not shoot myself in the foot with a bad loan, the knowledge to recognize market opportunity and means to take advantage of it make me scum?
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:
And property ownership being the "American dream" makes owning a house a necessity worthy of being made riskless? Poppycock. The attitude that everyone's entitled to buy a house is what got us into this mess in the first place.

I don't think the right to breath is in there either, think of all the oxygen/nitrogen you've been stealing. Firstly please do not live your life by a 222 YO document, secondly, the living constitution is the one by which we recognize, whether you like it or not.[/quote]

The Constitution is not and can never be a living document. Imagine the chaos that would ensue if the founding fathers had used the word "gay" in the document... The original text and each ammendment must be interpreted as what the phraseology would have meant to the framers at the time they wrote it. This is a fundamental rule of constitutional construction AND an compelling reason to read every word the founding fathers ever wrote.[/quote]

No, the living constitution, as in case law. Case law from appellate courts, based upon direct constitutional articles or amendments is called the living constitution; it's an interpretation of what they might have said if they were here to write-in about various contemporary issues, or so it goes. Of course what did liberty mean when they wrote it and went home to their slaves? I mean, the US const is a POS, it really is. Past and current courts use it as a tool to skew what they want regardless of the actual language within the original text. I know you disagree, but you have yet to explain how they could write such a flowery document and have such attrocious events transpiring. Legal scholars look at it my way, we still have to recognize it, but it really is BS. OK, so the right to homeownership isn't in there, and the right to not be enslaved isn't, then there's teh issue of what "well-regualated" means and was it hyphenated or not? DC v Heller says for the first time that a private person has teh right to own a gun, narrow 5-4 decision, will that be overturned? Well-regulated means overseen, controlled, or did it mean in good repair? This is semantic BS they play with to justify doing what they want. Just like most prosecutor's cases that are built from teh top-down, SCOTUS decisions are often the same.

So because this mortage mess wasn't covered in the US Const really means nothing in the grand scheme. Republicans favor the rich, Dems the poor and MC, we now have a Dem in office and congress, things will go that way, no const infringement. If there have been any const infringements that would have been Bush and some of his 4th intrusions and perhaps his lack of transparency in his admin. It just happens, nothing will come of it and because homeownership wasn't cvered in the US Const doesn't mean provisions can't be made, nothing illegal behind it. Don't be that guy in court I saw one day trying to say having a reflective cover on his license plate was constitutionally protected.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

The Dark Side of Will wrote: So you're trying to correlate and make equal the risks of buying a house for a primary dwelling and buying stocks? Yea, any argument is possibe with overbreadth. So buying in NASDAQ is the same as that 25 yo couple buying their first house, not really knowing what they're doing? [partisan diatribe deleted]

No, you're trying to put words in my mouth based on your world view, which is that if something isn't entirely in one category, then it's entirely in another.
I'm saying that THERE IS RISK in everything.
If a homebuyer doesn't know what he's doing, he should RESEARCH until he does. Didn't any borrowers who KNEW that the lender misreported their income to the underwriter ever wonder WHY, or what the effects of that lie would be? What the consequences were to them? Turning a blind eye to risk doesn't make it go away. It just ensures you're going to suffer consequences because of it.

I think people should look after themselves. I don't think it's possible to save everyone from every mistake they could ever make. Moreover, I think it's completely undesirable to try. I wouldn't know what I know today if I hadn't made some wonderful mistakes along the way.
IOW, people shouldn't be protected from themselves. Screwing up is the best way to learn.
We have to assume that the buyers knew their income was being misrepresented, or in teh cases where it was legitimately disclosed, the bottom fell out, these are the people Obama wants to help. I'm not getting a freebee by Obama's home rescue either, but I think it's a neccessary evil.

EBSB52 wrote:
Risk CAN be reduced, but the reduction has to be bought. Insurance covers many things, but the market boom is unfortunately not one of them. Who foots the bill for the riskless housing you want?
I don't want riskless housing, I want government controls. How can you now go on to harp about an unregulated market when that is what brought us here?
No it didn't. We've NEVER had an unregulated market. The government is ALWAYS in everyone's shorts about something. You can believe laissez-faire doesn't work if you like, but the truth is that it's never even been tried. It never will be, either, because no one in congress has the ability to get their grubby mits out of things.

Yes, but to what degree? In our shorts apparently not enough or this wouldn't have happened. I think we have different ideas of what is a fair amount, but I think as well that your leader was too lax. Some of it is systemic, thinking the market can cure all and when that fails, tax cuts my friends cures all..... then the Dems come in and unfuck it. How can you advocate laissez-faire when that is an exadgeration of deregulation and the latter hasn't worked? That's insane. 16 YO Johnny can drive the car until he wrecks it or get tickets, then you regulate it more. Well, we have totalled teh SOB, time to take the keys away. The problem is with a total free market is that humans, esp Americans are too greedy or that could work. We operate as individuals rather than have honor as a team.
EBSB52 wrote:And what I can't belive is that you aren't smart enough or have the foresight to see that your house will fall in value if the gov allows for failure.
Haha... I don't own a house... yet. However, the short-sale property that I'm buying is off more than 60% from it's peak sale price.
W/O going back I don't recall that I was directing that at you or just in general. Altho it could happen to anyone in an honest setting, I doubt you would personally fall for the recent mess. But 1st time buyers are typically eyes in teh stars and willing to sign whatever to get in.
EBSB52 wrote:And then another group of rich scum opportunists would come in and profit, they would wait for houses to hit bottom and pounce and buy houses for 20-30% of the value they would eventually be worth, rent them out for a profit and then sell when they resume value. Unlike your dream of anarchy, a guy like Obama and the Dems want the people to have equity, not just a few rich opportunists.
I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but that's exactly what I intend to do. VA and FHA financing help. Does having the restraint to not shoot myself in the foot with a bad loan, the knowledge to recognize market opportunity and means to take advantage of it make me scum?

I definately wasn't referring to you as rich scum. I'm talking about the equity skimmers and such. I'm talking about the predators who probably helped this mess, now they'll wait for it to hit bottom and pounce. There are manipulators that helped put us here, that's who I'm talking about.
The Dark Side of Will
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by The Dark Side of Will »

You mean the manipulators who just erased trillions of dollars of their own money from the stock market?

Yeah, the rich manipulative scum really pull all the strings. They set up the whole shebang.

This mess isn't the fault of the rich, it isn't the fault of the government and it isn't the fault of Wall Street.

It IS the fault of EVERYONE who took a bad loan, of everyone who gave a bad loan, and of the free money policies that allowed it all to happen. You're going to try to blame those policies on the guy in charge at the time; the reality is that no politician of any party would have done any different. When the economy is screaming along, no elected official is ever going to throttle back. They'll run it right off the edge of the cliff, EVERY time.

We didn't get in trouble because of any failed policies. We got in trouble because of human nature.
Last edited by The Dark Side of Will on Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:You mean the manipulators who just erased trillions of dollars of value from the stock market?

Yeah, the rich manipulative scum really pull all the strings. They set up the whole shebang.

Yep and a lot of them live and work in our world here too, they were day trading unbuilt houses when they would appreciate by the day. But also, GWB was an idiot for thinking interest could stay low, house prices could double in 2 years and all would be OK. It was a pyramid scheme from the start and idiot and team bought into it by doing nothing. Greenspan gets to hold the bag too.

It was opportunists and the wolfe watching the hen house.
The Dark Side of Will
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by The Dark Side of Will »

See above. I was editing while you were replying.

It's NEVER one person or group's fault. I've read enough mishap reports to understand this.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by slowpoke »

I don't have much time but you said something so idiotic that I have to address it now.

Home field advantage, are you on crack , ask iraq how well that played out, remember 911, that was home field advantage, what do you think, they will tell us they are coming, PEARL HARBOR, home field advantage, when innocents die in war its because they have home field advantage, who's shit do you want to be tore all to hell, theirs or hours, what's your house worth if its a pile of tooth picks? Attacking first is good foriegn policy, if it keeps our shit in one piece, that's good domestic policy.
How much did 911 cost us? Is this country better or worse with saddam gone? You were military? What the hell have you been smokin?
I wasn't banned, I'd just rather be here.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by slowpoke »

In my opinion the worst thing we do is helping rebiuld the countrys we destroy in war.
I wasn't banned, I'd just rather be here.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

slowpoke wrote:
I don't have much time but you said something so idiotic that I have to address it now.
You went from being amicable to an asshole neo-con; what took you so long?
Home field advantage, are you on crack , ask iraq how well that played out, ...
The context I was referring to was that Russia, then the USSR had home field advantage in beating Germany. So we were talking superpowers in Germany, the US and Russia, Russia had home field for much of the war as Germany was driving North in the dead of winter and was in Russia. So you think comparing 1940's Russia, Germany, the US and other large powers compares to 1990 and 2002 Iraq? They couldn't get a fucking acft off the ground, anus, they are not even on the map as far as military mite, get your head out and compare apples to apples, dipshit.
...remember 911, that was home field advantage, what do you think, they will tell us they are coming, PEARL HARBOR, home field advantage, when innocents die in war its because they have home field advantage, ...

Again, shit for brains, apples to apples. 9/11 and Pearl Harbor were sneak attacks, Al Quida was a radical group and Japan had not yet declared war, unlike Germany driving into Russia where war had been long declared. What I originally stated was that Russia was never a threat other than the button, which I think that even in the Cuban Missile Crisis wasn't as close as thought. Please don't tangent, I realize you can't stay on track, but let's stick with method of the missions:

- 911 / Pearl Harbor = sneak attacks with no declaration of war

- WWII Germany driving into Russia = full declaration of war and been in battle for some time.

So, home field advantage is generally an asset in a long duration war, a liability in a sneak attack, in fact, virtually impossible to have other than home field in a sneak attack unless it's of an embassy or something unusual like that and even then it's a liaison home field if you will.

...who's shit do you want to be tore all to hell, theirs or hours, what's your house worth if its a pile of tooth picks? Attacking first is good foriegn policy, if it keeps our shit in one peice, that's good domestic policy.
So now attacking others is currently domestic policy? Obee-kaybee. I realize you're a brainwashed Marine, but diplomacy works the best, just ask Sweden. Attacking as a preemptive strike certainly then makes us a target. Don't think so, then understand the chronology of events that motivated 911. It will take research and I know you are immune to that.

Do you think the Arabs care about who's in office? Are they scared of a Republican or were they scared of Reagan? They bombed the barracks in 86 in Beirut and then pulled off 911, so if you think they give a rat's ass as to who's in office, you're dumber than you appear. Not to mention they are fighting us over there right now, think they care who the president is? Idiot. Examples of home field advantage are:

- Korea
- VN ...Even tho we had a 6 1/2:1 kill ratio, it was still their advantage as far as terrain, we just had them that outmatched as far as technology.

- WWII Russia fighting Germany .....Germany left their home field and drove into Russia in the winter, this advantaged Russia and they still lost >10 million military troops, Germany lost < 6 million. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:World ... lties2.svg

- US Civil War ....The south was holding their own until the south drove into Virginia, they were further extended from their southern states they had already won. I think it can be argued that Virginia, although voted to secede, cost the South the war.
How much did 911 cost us? Is this country better or worse with saddam gone? You were military? What the hell have you been smokin?

Oh quit the grandiose bullshit. To answer your rhetoric one at a time, the world is better off without him, other than he was able to halfway keep sectarian violence down to a roar, unlike the puppets we installed. Was it worth 4k+ dead heroes and a trillion dollars? Not even close. BTW, in case you were on a crack at that time, Saddam had nothing to do with 911. I’m smoking reality, I pass every drug test I take, and I take a few as I’m FAA licensed and working in the field, the beauty is I don’t have to drink the tea to pass, unlike your punk ass.

Funny thing is you claim you’re not a neo-con, non-partisan, etc, but you reveal all the traits of one, esp dangling 3k dead from 911 as if it justifies whoever the US military feels like killing ala your dumbshit president Bush. Dream on, neo-con, you’re hardly in disguise. You started out obnoxious, then I shut you down on a few issues like your guarantee that congress was 100% Republican 40 years prior to 1995, then you got humble, now you’re acting like the ass you are, misinterpreting simple concepts.

In an established war like WWII after it was declared and sides drawn, it is more advantageous to not have to fight abroad. Even tho Germany was getting pelted, they were holding their own against several enemies at the same time. When they decided to forge north into Russia, they lost that advantage. Of course it was very disadvantageous of Germany and Japan, 2 of the 3 primary players against the allieds, that they were such small countries, but not having to extend themselves was their advantage.

So your trying to compare a sneak attack to an established war is pathetic, then to compound that by comparing 1991 / 2002 Iraq with Germany and/or Japan in regard to military legitimacy is more pure idiocy. An intelligent person would propose your problem with my assertions, an asswipe jumps out as if he has a clue; guess which you did and which you are?

When I originally stated that Russia has been and is a joke militarily and economically, my examples were that they lost nearly twice the troops as Germany and hell, Russia had help; the US, Britain and many other allied troops. As for a joke economically, they would have fallen by themselves, Russian Communism wasn’t working regardless of the Cold War. Your hero fascist pig Ronnie dangled this pseudo threat of the USSR in order to get idiots like you (of age then) to buy into the BS about the need to keep spending militarily. Look around; see superpowers fighting? Never happen, we all know it would be button pushing time for one then for all. Superpowers fight via proxy wars, as in VN. The worst thing Fascist pig Ronnie did was to move toward the decentralization of the USSR, now the nukes are in the hands of the disseminated countries. Of course as Russian Communism wasn’t viable anyway, this breakup was imminent.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

slowpoke wrote:In my opinion the worst thing we do is helping rebiuld the countrys we destroy in war.

I see you do a lot of critical thinking by your previous posts, so I'll take that with the rest.
The Dark Side of Will
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by The Dark Side of Will »

EBSB52 wrote: - VN ...Even tho we had a 6 1/2:1 kill ratio, it was still their advantage as far as terrain, we just had them that outmatched as far as technology.
We're starting to get our counter-insurgency doctrine into shape, but back then we had NO idea how to fight a guerilla war with conventional forces.
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Re: Obama Speech

Post by EBSB52 »

The Dark Side of Will wrote:
EBSB52 wrote: - VN ...Even tho we had a 6 1/2:1 kill ratio, it was still their advantage as far as terrain, we just had them that outmatched as far as technology.
We're starting to get our counter-insurgency doctrine into shape, but back then we had NO idea how to fight a guerilla war with conventional forces.

Yea, but in a long, sustained war, it is generally the advantage of the home team in regard to terrain conditions. In Iraq we had to paint all of our tanks, use different camo gear from jungle gear, learn to deal with desert conditions, etc. We almost always have a better kill ratio than the other guys, if not always, but that's due to much better toys and techniques. One advantage of playing on the road is that there are no civilian casualties of ours.
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